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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 17, Issue 5, pp. 1037-1288

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Recurrence Relations for the Coefficients in Jacobi Series Solutions of Linear Differential Equations

Stanislaw Lewanowicz

pp. 1037-1052

Invariant Curves for Mappings

Hal L. Smith

pp. 1053-1067

Breakdown of Stability in Singularly Perturbed Autonomous Systems II. Estimates for the Solutions and Application

K. Nipp

pp. 1068-1085

On the Global Representation of the Solutions of Second-Order Linear Differential Equations Having an Irregular Singularity of Rank One in $\infty $ by Series in Terms of Confluent Hypergeometric Functions

Theo Kurth and Dieter Schmidt

pp. 1086-1103

Disconjugacy and Comparison Theorems for Second-Order Linear Systems

W. J. Kim

pp. 1104-1112

Evolution Problems with Hysteresis in the Source Term

A. Visintin

pp. 1113-1138

On the Fractal Dimension of Attractors for Viscous Incompressible Fluid Flows

J. -M. Ghidaglia

pp. 1139-1157

Existence and Control of Plasma Equilibrium in a Tokamak

J. Blum, T. Gallouet, and J. Simon

pp. 1158-1177

The Scalar Riemann Problem in Two Spatial Dimensions: Piecewise Smoothness of Solutions and Its Breakdown

W. B. Lindquist

pp. 1178-1197

On the Identification of Parameters in General Variational Inequalities by Asymptotic Regularization

K.-H. Hoffmann and J. Sprekels

pp. 1198-1217

Real Continued Fractions and Asymptotic Expansions

Burnett Meyer

pp. 1218-1221

Borel Summability and Converging Factors for Some Everywhere Divergent Series

Avram Sidi

pp. 1222-1231

Nielsen's Generalized Polylogarithms

K. S. Kölbig

pp. 1232-1258

$p$-Ary Sequency and Orderings of the Chrestenson Functions

Zhang Gongli

pp. 1259-1266

Another Conjectured $q$-Selberg Integral

Mizan Rahman

pp. 1267-1279

$q$-Wilson Functions of the Second Kind

Mizan Rahman

pp. 1280-1286

Erratum and Addendum: Analytic Functions Related to the Distributions of Exponential Growth

Richard D. Carmichael

pp. 1287-1288